EFTzone Posts
About ten days ago, I had surgery to remove a benign tumor deep in the back of my throat. It was larger than a golf ball and located in the right parapharyngeal space near the Parotid gland. Afterwards, one of the things my surgeon told me is that I would most likely have what’s called, First Bite Syndrome. This is a...
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What are your beliefs about prisoners? Are you empathetic or apathetic? Do you think any of them can change or want to change? Just like in society, there are many types of people in prison. Some want to continue as career criminals. Others are highly motivated to change. A ways back, I had the opportunity to teach EFT for a...
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In a blog post titled, Happiometricians, published a few years ago, I said that I’d found a great way to get an energy buzz by tapping on the EFT points while saying, “I release any ways that I’m feeling unhappy. I choose happiness right here, right now.” Although we may not all agree on what happiness is,...
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Years ago, I read what I consider the best book out there on how stress affects our health, psyche and spirit. It’s Stanford professor and researcher Robert Sapolsky’s, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers. He’s a biologist specializing in neuro-endocrinology. I just watched a older National Geographic Special,...
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Other than Gary Craig’s EFT Manual, this book has probably sold more copies than any other EFT book. Now available in paperback, Kindle and Nook editions, Freedom at Your Fingertips: Get Rapid Physical and Emotional Relief with the Breakthrough System of Tapping is available in many countries internationally. The book is the...
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With classic EFT, at the end of our setup statement we say, “I deeply and completely accept myself.” This reassuring phrase removes any conflicts. It’s integrative, uniting all parts of ourselves consciously and unconsciously. One of the things I hear from people who are new to EFT is that it doesn’t seem to...
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