You’re Fired (or Are You Really Freed?)

“You’re fired.” Billionaire Donald Trump has made the phrase famous in his TV show, The Celebrity Apprentice. But, perhaps the king of firing people was actually John Patterson, CEO of NCR Corporation from 1884 to 1921. Supposedly, one-sixth of America’s top executives from 1910 to 1930 were schooled and fired by Patterson. One time, he fired an executive by removing the person’s desk and chair, parking it in front of the company’s factory, having it soaked in kerosene and set on fire. He takes the term, “fired” to the hilt. Even though being fired or laid off can be emotionally traumatic, there’s another way to think about it–“being freed.” Maybe you should celebrate.
You may not be able to control getting fired or laid off. You can influence how you mentally and emotional respond by taking a healthy approach. We’re conditioned in our culture to automatically react with feelings from fearful beliefs. One of the first things to do is be introspective in asking key questions to get your mind and feelings headed in a positive direction. Your mind will search for answers based on the questions you ask. For example, instead of asking, “Why did this happen to me?” ask:
- What’s good or positive about this?
- How might I leverage this situation to my benefit?
- How might I use my unique talents and skills to be freed to do what I love to do?
- How do I choose to make this an opportunity instead of a setback?
- How might I use my talents and skills to create revenue, even if just temporarily?
- How might I attract people who will pay and reward me handsomely for my talents and skills?
- How might I think of this experience in ways that make me feel good and fully alive?
- How is this an excellent opportunity for me to become more conscious of my fearful beliefs and feelings about getting what I want in life?
- Although I may not understand it, how is this what I wanted or needed?
Here’s an idea. Take some of these questions, use a marker and write them on big pieces of paper. Post them the best places to be seen and reminded. Say them aloud.
Losing your job can bubble up all kinds of fears. You do have a choice. Besides asking empowering questions, here’s where EFT can come to the rescue. Use EFT to explore and take away the sting from uncomfortable or negative thoughts or feelings. That’s why it’s called “Emotional Freedom Techniques.”
If you lose your job, don’t panic. Just open your thinking and do EFT. And, don’t go it alone. Rely on the emotional support of your family and friends. You may also want to seek professional help from a counselor, therapist or EFT practitioner. (In many cases, they can help you over the phone.)
Here are some EFT setup statements you may want to try:
Even though I don’t want these feelings …
Even though I feel discouraged …
Even though I feel all alone …
Even though I’m sad …
Even though I feel inadequate …
Event though I’m afraid I’m not good enough …
Even though I’m afraid I’m not talented enough …
Even though I feel like a failure …
Even though I’m ashamed of being fired …
Even though I felt blindsided by being fired …
Even though I’m angry about …
Even though I resent …
Even though I feel stressed about …
Even though I don’t like feeling out of control …
Even though I have a fear of the unknown …
Even though I’m afraid of financial difficulties …
Even though I’m afraid it’ll be hard to find another job …
Even though I don’t know what I want to do next …
Even though I’m afraid to do what I really love …
… I deeply and completely accept myself.
… I choose to make this a surprisingly positive experience.
As an aside, many famous people have been fired and gone on to be very successful. In fact, Harvey McKay wrote a book about it titled, We Got Fired! And It’s the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Us. Being fired can be a wake-up, shake-up call to point you in a new and better direction.
There are plenty of books, articles and Websites about job hunting. The bestselling book of all-time is What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles. He also has a Website, JobHuntersBible. Other good Websites to check are: The Riley Guide and JobStar.
Ultimately, being fired, laid off, or downsized is just another one of life’s learning experiences. The question is, are you being fired? Or, are you being freed? Being freed to let go of limiting beliefs and feelings? Being freed to do something new and exciting? Being freed to explore new opportunities and possibilities? Being freed to do what you’re best at and born to do?
Alan Sugar is the man on the show. Not Donald Trump 🙂