Laughter is the Best Elixir

It’s time to get serious about laughter, especially when it comes to your health. A good belly laugh can help keep the doctor away. Laughter is a spontaneous way of releasing emotions. There’s an inner relief. When you laugh, you feel lighter and naturally relaxed. Here’s the problem. According to Discovery Health, when a child gets to nursery school, he or she laughs about 300 times a day. In contrast, adults laugh an average of 17 times a day. Adults need to kick up their laugh meter.
This will get you started. I challenge you to listen to this laughter and not crack a smile or start laughing. Try this. While you’re listening, do rounds of EFT tapping. No need to say anything. Just listen, get into the feeling, and tap on the EFT points.
You can buy 60 minutes of pure laughter. It’s great for playing in your CD on the on the way to work in stressful traffic.
Here’s how laughter works. Can laughter heal? We know that it’s good for healing our spirits. Also, medically speaking, according to a study by the University of Maryland, laughter is good for your heart.
Check out the Comedy Cures Foundation, a national non-profit organization aimed at bringing joy, laughter and therapeutic humor programs to kids and grown-ups living with illness, depression and trauma. Get your kids off to a good healthy start laughing and giggling while they’re still babies.
Need a laughter coach? Anne Goodheardt, Ph.D., is a laughter therapy coach, who gives plenty of reasons to laugh. You might also want to join a laughter club and learn Laughter Yoga.
Are you the austere type? Seriously, how about trying out EFT. Do a setup phrase such as:
Even though I’m way too serious …
Even though adults are supposed to be serious …
Even though I’m not funny …
Even though there’s nothing funny about this situation …
Even though this is no laughing matter …
Even though I don’t want to laugh …
Even though I don’t want to let go …
Even though I’ve forgotten how to laugh …
… I deeply and completely accept myself.
… I choose to discover the humor in it.
Want to live a long, healthy life? A good sense of humor may be one of the best medicines you can have. Or, if you decide to stay a serious adult, the laughs on you.
Great article. I was reminded of the Laughter Clubs movement which started in India – there are some of these in Australia as well as other countries. See for example
Don’t really know anything about them other than what I’ve read, but I imagine it does good!
Des Walsh
Gold Coast, Australia