Are You Kreative?

May 05, 05 Are You Kreative?

Sure you are. I believe everybody is. If you don’t feel that you’re creative, most likely you’re just not tuned into your creativity channel. Or you may have some limiting beliefs. Your creativity is there. It may just be waiting for you to spark it. What’s creativity? Having the ability or power to create by being original, expressive and imaginative. Finding connections that others don’t see. Solving problems with clear thinking. Creativity energizes you. To me, the primary reasons people “lose” their creativity are because they stop playing and are afraid of being judged for expressing their ideas. You can use EFT to help you plug back into your creative juices. Here’s how.

Assuming that your creativity is already available to you, what blocks you from expressing it? What beliefs do you have about being creative? What beliefs do you have about the identities of creative people? Do they have to dress and behave a certain way? Is creativity only in certain professions? A person can express creativity brilliantly as a writer, artist, therapist, athlete, cook, mechanic or plumber. You can be creative in any occupation.

Okay, it’s time to play with potential blocks to your creativity. Here’s how to use EFT to discover your creativity within. Start with the EFT Setup phrase or affirmation: “Even though _______, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Here are some examples:

Even though I don’t feel creative …
Even though I don’t think I’m creative …
Even though creativity is for other people instead of me …
Even though I don’t know how to be creative …
Even though I don’t deserve to be creative …
Even though I don’t want to be identified as creative …
Even though I don’t like people to make fun of my ideas …
Even though I don’t like being judged …
Even though I don’t like ambiguity …
Even though I’m too serious …
Even though I won’t allow myself to play …

… I deeply and completely accept myself.
… I choose to let my creativity express itself in _______ ways.

Notice the thoughts or beliefs that come up as you do EFT. Make adjustments. Get as specific as you can about limiting beliefs as you use EFT to tap into your creativity.

In addition, exercise your creativity regularly. Get into the creativity habit. Think like a little kid. Explore and really experience the world. Bite, taste and smell things. Visit toy stores for ideas. Online, check out the Exploratorium or the Discovery Channel Store.

Some well regarded books on creativity and creative thinking include:

Some excellent websites on creativity are Innovation Tools, Creativity at Work, and Creative Thinking. One of the most respected organizations regarding creativity is the Creative Education Foundation, founded by Dr. Sidney Parnes and advertising legend, Alex Osborn. The organization’s Annual Creative Problem Solving Institute is in June. When I come up with ideas, I don’t like outlining. It’s too sequential. For me, creativity is non-linear. Ideas may come randomly. I like to capture the ideas and organize them later. The best tool I’ve found for doing this is a software product called, iMindMap. Great for visual thinking, it’s based on the concept of mind mapping, popularized by Tony Buzan. Similar software programs include MindManager and MindGenius.

In addition to using EFT to dissolve creative blocks, here’s the #1 tip I have to give you. Carry a pen and notepad with you. Keep one near your desk, in your car and by your bed. When an idea comes to you, write it down immediately. You may never get the idea again. If you prefer to use a voice recorder, that’s fine too. Just be sure to capture your creative ideas the moment they come to you.

Are you kreative? You bet. Once you use EFT to release any limiting beliefs you have, you may be dazzled by how creative you truly are.

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