The London Bombings and Using EFT for Troubling News

I’ve been to London about a dozen times, mostly on business. I love the city and the people. Watching the news this morning of the London bombings brought back memories of the 911 terrorism in the USA. I like to be informed so I watched the news for a period of time and then turned the television off. I don’t choose to bombard my consciousness with the same negative images and information over and over again. The positive thing about international news is the immediacy of it. On the negative side, early on there’s often misinformation while the facts are gathered and the networks lock onto too much repetition with their “breaking news.” If watching the news is upsetting to you, EFT practitioner, Gwenn Bonnell, offers some excellent tips on how to use EFT to find personal peace in turbulent times.
How to Find Peace In Turbulent Times
by Gwenn Bonnell
Just a quick reminder …
When you see upsetting things on the TV or in the news, you CAN do something to help, and you can do it without even getting up from your chair. I’m serious. This works even when the thing in the news is a London bombing or a Gulf Coast hurricane.
Here’s how …
1. First use EFT to tap on YOUR reaction to what you see in the news.
Change the set-up phrase to match the exact upset. Such as …
Even though I am scared when I see images like this …
Even though I don’t know what I would do if this ever happened to me or my loved ones …
Even though I am angry/furious/etc. at the people who did this …
Remember, ANY discomfort is worth tapping on. Here is the other thing you can do that will help.
2. Surrogate tap (also called Remote Tapping) for the people you see in the news. If someone looks upset, or in any kind of emotional/physical pain, tap for whatever YOU think is bothering them most.
Even though I was physically harmed in this terrorist attack and I’m scared and in pain …
Even though I feel like I’ll never be safe again …
Even though I was terrified and trapped in the underground subway …
In a way that I don’t have time to explain in this email, they will feel the effect, and so will you. And so will everyone.
Love and Light,
P.S. If you feel up to it, you can also remote tap for the people who did this …
Even though I think that I have no peaceful alternative to bombing innocent people …
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