EFT: Help for a Spendthrift Nation

According to an article that the Federal Reserve put out in November, 2005 titled Spendthrift Nation, for the first time since the depression of 1929, Americans are spending more than they earn — 100% of their after tax income. Many households are in the “red” and have incurred heavy debt. Is this a “bad” thing. Not necessarily. It depends how these individuals think and feel about money whether their circumstances are temporary or longer lasting.
I get a kick out of our federal government. They compile all of this data about how Americans aren’t saving. Duh. The federal government isn’t exactly a “savings” leadership role model. It chugs along year after year piling up more debt. Ever since 1969, it has been spending more moolah than it brings in. Just like kids mimic their parents, a lot of Americans are simply mirroring what our government is doing. As long as the mass consciousness believes that America is “good” for the money, the government will eventually pay down the debt (we believe). The psychology keeps things going.
If you want to find out how much national debt there is right this moment, check out the National Debt Clock. By the way, in case you didn’t know it, your share of the national debt today is about $27,500.
Why don’t we save money? I’ll take a wild guess and say that many people in debt have the common belief that there’s not enough money. They believe in lack or scarcity. If you have any money problems, the key question to ask yourself is, “Is there fear about how I feel about money?” If you have fearful feelings, you’ll want to release them. EFT is an excellent way to do this.
I recommend starting with T. Harv Eker’s book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. This will give you a perspective or grasp about how our inner beliefs affect wealth and abundance. Then get Carol Look’s book, Attracting Abundance with EFT because it’s loaded with specific EFT tools that you can put to use right away. Be sure to check out Joan Sotkin and Brad Yates for Money Beyond Belief, plus other products and services on freeing up and releasing limiting beliefs and emotions surrounding money.
While you may not be able to directly influence the national debt, if you have any personal debt, your money situation directly correlates to what you believe and how you feel about money. Start uncovering those beliefs and emotions and you’re on your way to financial prosperity.