Learning EFT: Fall Down and Get Back Up

Sometimes people tell me that they have tried EFT and it doesn’t work for them. Of course, I ask them how many times they have done it. They might say a half-dozen times. Or, they might say a bunch. They never say two or three hundred times. And, until you’ve done it at least 50 times, don’t give up. Simply change your approach. Be like a toddler again. Let me explain.
Let’s go back to when you learned to walk. You didn’t try it once or twice and stop. No. You wobbled off balance, got even more off kilter, fell down and got up again. You experienced and made adjustments hundreds or even thousands of times before you were successful. It probably never dawned on you to give up. Yes, you may have gone back to crawling temporarily, and you always got up again.
After your first attempt trying to walk, your parent didn’t say, “Give it up now. Forget it. Walking just isn’t your thing.” No, they smiled and encouraged you to get up and do it again. And even though they were supportive of your learning to walk, they didn’t tell you how to do it. You didn’t have an instruction manual or a video. You just did it over and over until you stepped up to success and walked a few steps. Ultimately, there was the elation of being able to walk. And then it became second-hand (or second-foot) to you.
How about playing around and using the same approach to learning EFT? Do it. And do it again and again and again until you break through to an “aha.”
Hi Ron,
I just feel that this is so important with anything new we try. Just like in baseball 3 strikes and your out ,I ask my clients to give it atleast 3 good trys. For me one try is a 1 hour session. Stay with EFT and you will see results, I’d stake my life on this one!