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Posts made in July, 2006
Dr. Patricia Carrington is an innovator with EFT. She is the creator of the popular Choices Method. Recently she posted an article where she combined techniques from NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) with EFT for an effective way to handle situations where you might encounter a verbal attack. There are usually negative feelings...
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What do you do if you don’t quite feel “yourself?” Your internal engine is not hitting on all cylinders? Your energy isn’t humming along the way you’d like it to? Often, what works for me is tapping on the EFT energy meridian points and saying a simple phrase. Maybe this wording will work for you or...
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Two respected EFT practitioners are Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake. They’re from Australia and have upcoming workshops in Australia and the USA. You can see a calendar of events here. Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake are innovators in applying EFT and other energy meridian methods to everyday life and business issues. For...
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My dog, Jake, is terrified of thunderstorms. If he could use a computer or TV controller, no doubt he’d be checking the weather reports every day. It’s uncanny. About an hour before a storm, he knows it’s coming way before we do. He’ll find a cozy space to hide, including trying to jump in the car. These...
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