Shining the Spotlight on Maryam Webster

As you listen to segments of the EFTzone Spotlight on Maryam Webster, you’ll find that she’s a bright, bold and brave leader in the field of energy psychology and wellness, willing to jump into unchartered waters. She expresses herself in a refreshingly honest and caring way. As a contributor and collaborator, you’ll find that Maryam’s unbounded spirit sparks and sparkles.
After serving for over 25 years as a therapist, Maryam Webster changed to being an energy coach. She’s a champion of EFT and other wellness techniques such as Bioenergetic Kinesiology, ZPoint Process, Touch for Health, Reiki, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Be Set Free Fast and others.
Originator of the terms “Energy Coaching” and “Quantum Flow Bioenergetics”, Maryam has been developing the profession of Energy Coaching since 2000. Her current passion is The Certified Energy Coach Program which she developed in 2004 for coaches, therapists and other helping professionals. Maryam continues as Director and primary Research scholar for the Program through the present.
Well-read, at any given time she has over two-dozen books on her reading shelf. Self described as a “spiritual mutt,” Maryam Webster has had a rich, eventful life and an interesting spiritual journey. After all, do you know anyone else who has been both a Mormon and Muslim? (And that’s just part of her journey.)
Oh, and did you know that she cleverly used a telegraph to teach her mother tapping and EFT? Get ready to be fascinated as you listen to our EFTzone Spotlight on Maryam Webster. There is no doubt that you’ll garner some real gems from her depth and breadth of experience and wisdom.
For more information on Maryam Webster please visit her Website:
Books Maryam Webster mentions that she is reading (from Part 7)
The Translucent Revolution: How People Just Like You are Waking Up and Changing the World
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Freedom at Your Fingertips: Get Rapid Physical and Emotional Relief with the Breakthrough System of Tapping
The User’s Manual for the Brain
User’s Manual for the Brain, Vol. II: Mastering Systemic NLP
The Sourcebook of Magic
1215: The Year of Magna Carta
The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) from the Inside Out
Part 1
Paralyzed by drunk driver, relieving back pain, healing your body
Part 2
How I discovered EFT |
Part 3
How I taught my mother EFT, ways to use “fun” for rapport building |
Part 4
How to get started with EFT, proper hydration, EFT in everyday life |
Part 5
From therapist to coach, our Energy Coach program, selecting a coach |
Part 6
My spiritual journey |
Part 7
Books I’m reading, my goal for people, my closing message to you |
Wonderful! So much encouragement in: How I discovered EFT (12 minutes)
Thank you 🙂 !