
Jan 24, 07 Happiometricians

I remember opening up a Chinese Fortune cookie years ago, and gently pulling out its slip of paper that said, “What makes you think that you’ll be happy with more if you’re not already happy with what you have? That struck me as a gem of wisdom. The pursuit of “more” can go on forever. Happiness is available now, not when you get your dream car or perfect job. Happiness is a feeling and state of being. What ritual or method can you follow anytime you decide you want click into a happiness state of mind?

Does happiness depend on where you live? The “Happiometricians” or happiness researchers at the World Database of Happiness, offer you all kinds of statistics that indicate which nations have the happiest people. Is it Denmark, or according to New Scientist magazine, is it Nigeria that has the happiest people in the world? Of course, none of this really matters because you’re what’s important. What “tricks” do you have at your command to flip your happy switch?

Is it a picture, a feeling, a sound, music or a smell that can do it instantly? Anchor something that gets you in this positive feeling place so you can consciously choose it whenever you want. If animals get you into the state, view this video.


Want an uplifting gospel song that will get you there? The Edwin Hawkins Singers classic version of Oh, Happy Day will do it.


Another option is to visit The Happiness Show, offering information on happiness, resources, and over 100 free online shows. David Leonhardt, The Happy Guy, also has resources for you. Michael Anthony whose unique mental training program has helped elite athletes to win Gold and Silver Medals in the Olympics, will give you his insights on how to be happy.

The secret of finding happiness is to grasp it in the moment. Let go of any thoughts or feelings of unhappiness. Find some time today to contemplate about things that get you feeling happy and ways you can tap into this state anytime you want.

With EFT, I’ve found a great way to get an energy buzz is to do EFT on the tapping points while saying this phrase:

I release any ways that I’m feeling unhappy.
I choose happiness right here, right now.

Try using this EFT setup phrase. You may be surprised at how well it works. Let me finish with a quote from American author Margaret Lee Runbeck who said, “Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.”

1 Comment

  1. Jeanelle Mulaney /

    That’s some inspirational material. Ne’er knew that beliefs could be this varied. I liked studying it and can add it to my bookmarks.

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