Not BUTs About It

Years ago, after reading books on Gestalt Therapy by psychiatrist, Fritz Perls, I learned that one of the most powerful things I could do was make a very simple change in my language. Specifically, change the word “but” to “and.” For example, take the sentence, “I want to be understanding, BUT I don’t feel like it.” Now, simply change it to, “I want to be understanding, AND I don’t feel like it. Say both sentences and notice the difference in how you feel. Using the conjunction “but” makes both phrases or thoughts incompatible, “erasing” the first one. Changing to the word “and” is inclusive, allowing both to co-exist. Be conscious of using the word “but.” And now, Grant Connolly, creator of the ZPoint Process has an excellent article for you about Cleaning up the BUTs.
If you’re not familiar with Grant, be sure to check out our EFTzone Spotlight audio interview. In the following article, he also references the Law of Attraction. Read how Cleaning Up the BUTs can help you get more of what you want.
Cleaning Up the BUTs
by Grant Connolly
In an ideal world we would only need to ask for whatever we want and the universe would respond by giving it to us, immediately. However, have you noticed that most often we get what we don’t seem to want? We don’t want to be financially challenged, and yet most of us are. We don’t want to be sick and yet it seems that many have sickness in abundance. We don’t want to work at jobs we hate, and yet many of us do exactly that.
We say to ourselves, “I want to have the money to buy the things that will make my life easier.” We hear ourselves ask for this and then when it doesn’t promptly “show up” we say that God has forsaken us or that “He” doesn’t exist or that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work.
However, when we ask for something, we’re not listening to what we’re really asking for, and it goes something like this …
“I want to have the money to buy the things to make my life easier,” and after that request you hear a big “BUT.” “I want the money, BUT … I’d need to work a few extra hours to get it, or, the government would only take most of it in tax anyway, or, I just never seem to get what I want.” It always feels good to think about having extra money, BUT there always seems to be an under-thought that finishes our sentences with a big “BUT,” and those thoughts never feel good when we think them.
When we ask for anything we’re sending a signal to the universe that says “Give me this!” Our desire for anything is a call to Source Energy that says, “Hey Source Energy, this is what I want” and Source Energy says, “Where shall I put it?”
Blocked desire on the other hand says “I really really want this, BUT … ” Source Energy, always our faithful provider says, “Your wish is my command!” and gives you “THE BUT,” and “THE BUT” is whatever it is that follows the original request. You literally get THAT. You get THE BUT!
Take a moment and think of something you want, but has eluded you. That’s right, there’s always a big “BUT” in there somewhere. You say “I’d really like to have more money BUT I just seem to work and work and never get ahead.” So what did you really ask for? You really asked “to work and work and never get ahead!”
Source Energy says “Your wish is my command” and gives you the “BUT.” It never says NO. It doesn’t know how! It just gives you exactly what you’ve asked for and you’ve asked for the BUT. OUCH!!!
Energetically, that BUT has a characteristic feeling or vibration that represents the overall vibration of the beliefs, assumptions or expectations that underlie it. When you ask for something that feels good as you ask, Source Energy brings you THAT or something similar. However, thoughts that have a BUT tacked onto them seldom feel good and the fruit of those thoughts will never make you feel good when they show up in your experience. This gives insight into the phrase “Be careful what you ask for” doesn’t it?
Okay, so what can you do about it? The very first thing is to be aware of what’s going on! If you’re asking for something and not getting the results you’re asking for, I can guarantee there’s a BIG BUT in there someplace. If you’re asking and that asking doesn’t feel good as you ask, then what you receive is bound to make you feel exactly the same way. Bad! That’s the way the system works. So, obviously the trick is to feel good when we’re asking. Right?
So how can you release the BUT and feel good when you ask? What follows is an outline of how you could release those BUTs using the ZPoint Process. ZPoint uses a number of specific processes to address these, but we will use just one called the Spot Method.
First, I’d like you to quickly visit On the right hand side, you’ll see “Shortcut Tutorial.” Click there, install the Healing Program and choose a cue word. It won’t take more than two or three minutes and will allow you to get the most benefit from what follows. Please remember to come right back.
Releasing the BUTs …
Think about something you would like to bring into your life, but you keep getting results that are less than great. Understand that there may be silent or unconscious BUTs operating that you’re not even aware of. Think about this for a moment and just repeat the following statement.
I’d really like to have more ___________ in my life. Do you hear or feel a BUT in there someplace?
Typically, this will bring a characteristic feeling to conscious awareness and it is this feeling we wish to address. You may wish to estimate the intensity of that feeling between 0 and 10, with 10 being very intense and 0 being nothing at all. The higher the intensity, the more negative energy you are holding in that BUT.
Now, mark or spot that characteristic feeling with your awareness and simply repeat the following statements. Remember to repeat your cue for 20 seconds before going on to the next one.
I clear all the ways I feel this feeling.
I clear all the ways I feel this feeling because…(remember to leave the ending blank and allow)
I clear all the ways I feel this feeling whenever…
I clear all the ways I may feel this feeling if…
I clear all the ways unconscious parts of me feel this feeling.
I clear all the ways these parts feel this feeling because…
I clear all the ways these parts benefit from my feeling this feeling.
I clear all the ways these parts wouldn’t feel safe if I let this feeling go NOW.
Now, just take a breath and relax. Check in with that feeling again. Is it gone? If not, say the statements again like this…
I clear all the ways I feel the remainder of that feeling.
I clear all the ways I feel the remainder of that feeling because…
I clear all the ways I feel the remainder of that feeling whenever…
I clear all the ways I may feel the remainder of that feeling if…
I clear all the ways unconscious parts of me feel the remainder of that feeling.
I clear all the ways these parts feel the remainder of that feeling because…
I clear all the ways these parts benefit from my feeling the remainder of that feeling.
I clear all the ways these parts wouldn’t feel safe if I let the remainder of that feeling go NOW.
Now, take a breath and go back to the original statement. I’d really like to have more ___________ in my life.
Does it feel different now? Do you feel a sense of anticipation? Chances are that you will because you’ve removed the BUT and changed the message you send to the universe. Now you are in alignment with what you REALLY want, not with what you don’t.
For more information on The ZPoint Process for Personal Happiness, go to