EFT Masters Site

When I interviewed Lindsay Kenny for the EFTzone Spotlight back in late July, she mentioned that the 29 EFT Founding Masters would soon be independent and have their own Website. As of October 31, they have. For administrative reasons, EFT founder Gary Craig is no longer involved in the EFT Masters Program so he can devote his time to developing other projects to promote EFT as a healing tool and to make its effectiveness known and available worldwide. Look for some exciting things coming from these creative and skilled EFT practitioners. If you haven’t checked out their new Website, do it right now. Let me share some of the rich information you’ll find there.
On the Interviews with the Masters page, you’ll find free audios that you can listen to on your computer or download to your iPod or MP3 device. Kudos go to Carol Look who did the interviews. This is a major effort on her part and, as always, she did an excellent job. Make sure you listen and learn from these EFT Masters. Also, check out Answers from the Masters.
See the latest news, plus valuable articles in PDF files you can download.