Wooed Gratitude

Political leader Joseph Stalin once said, “Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs.” Poet and playwright William Shakespeare would have countered with, “Ingratitude is monstrous.” I prefer something a little more upbeat. Author Alex Haley said, “Find the good and praise it.” Yes, time for you to woo some gratitude. Let me suggest that you start out by getting kinesthetic and do the Gratitude Dance from the GratiDudes. Here’s a video with the simple dance and arm steps. It’s simple and suitable for your unique dancing style.
What would happen if you were grateful for everything in your life? EFT Master Practitioner, Dr. Patricia Carrington, is one of the most innovative experts in EFT. In her article, A New Way to Express Gratitude with EFT, she says to stop whatever you’re doing right now and do EFT tapping with the following phrase or affirmation:
I thank the Universe for giving me, ME.
Other EFT articles you’ll want to read are How to Transform Disappointment into Gratitude by JoAnn Skywatcher and Tapping on Gratitude for EFT by Angie Muccillo. I really like what personal development ace Steve Pavlina says about Gratitude according to what he calls Level 1 and Level 2. In the movie, The Secret, Lee Brower tells a story about his gratitude rock. The idea is that every time you touch the rock you think of something you’re grateful for. You can get an “official” Lee Brower Gratitude Rock or find and polish up one of your own. Or how about a gratitude coffee cup, pen or other object? Choose something you’ll see every day or that you can put in your pocket or purse.
The main reason that you’ll want to be wooing gratitude is that it’s good for you. There’s a cool little e-book called Applied Appreciation from HeartMath. Appreciation can give your body a high voltage boost because it releases soothing, invigorating hormones into the bloodstream. There is an immediate improvement in your mental, physical and emotional levels.
In his book, Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, psychology professor Robert Emmons has done extensive research on the benefits of gratitude. Accordingly, daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. Along the same lines, television broadcaster and journalist, Deborah Norville, has authored the book, Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You. She says that gratitude is the secret key to unlocking your full life potential. Let me end with the lyrics of the song More Than Enough by singer, songwriter Jana Stanfield.
I have more than enough of all that I need to do all I can do, be all I can be. As I go through this day, this is my creed. I have more than enough of all that I need.
Woo, woo and do the Gratitude Dance.