EFT Quick Start Freebie

United Kingdom EFT Master, Karl Dawson, is offering a free Quick Start Manual in PowerPoint slides or PDF format. It’s a nice way for you or a friend to get introduced to EFT. Karl explains what EFT is, how it works and the ways you can use EFT. Here’s a detailed list of what’s covered and how to download the file.
- The Roots of EFT
- What is EFT?
- How Does EFT Work?
- When to use EFT
- Psychological Reversal
- Let’s Get Tapping
- The Basic Recipe
- Shortcuts
- Issues are like Puzzles
- When EFT Doesn’t Seem to be Working
- EFT Sessions Over the Phone
- Tips to Remember
- Try it on Everything
- Resources
PowerPoint Slide Show
You can download this freebie by clicking your computer mouse here and saving the file “EFTquickstartaa.pps” to your computer when it says “save” or “save to disk.” Open the file up in PowerPoint. If you don’t have Microsoft PowerPoint software, you can get a free PowerPoint viewer. Just click on either of those links. When you open the file, It will open in a slide show window. Click in the top right corner to move your slides forward or backward.
Adobe Acrobat File
If you prefer viewing the Quick Start information in the Adobe Acrobat PDF file format, click here to download it. The file name is “eftquickstartaa.pdf.” If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat Reader, it’s free and you can download it here.
Be sure to check out Karl’s Website at www.efttrainingcourses.net and the EFT Masters Worldwide Website.