Fascinating Friends with a Touch of EFT

I made a road trip to Southern California recently to visit my younger daughter and some of the friends I used to work with in broadcasting years ago. A close friend’s wife is named Lova. She’s an avid horsewoman. About ten months ago, her horse tripped and Lova broke her leg. When I arrived at Lova’s house, she was using a walker and crutches to get around. It seemed to me that after this period of time, her leg had healed so I wondered why she still had trouble moving around. I had Lova sit down and I taught her the EFT Shortcut Method. Then something surprising happened.
After tapping on the physical issue, we had good results right away. Her mobility was much better. Her husband could hardly believe that she was moving around so well in only a matter of minutes. Yet, we were only making incremental gains so we tapped on how she felt about the accident. We uncovered some anger she held in her heart area. She was mad at herself for not being in good physical shape and letting the accident happen. Then something intuitively struck me and I went with it.
I had Lova say the following setup phrase: “Even though I can’t stand up for myself, I deeply and completely accept myself.” Tears started streaming down her face and the emotional intensity was so much that I continued saying the words for her. For her whole life, the had experienced difficulty standing up for herself with other people. After this emotional release, there was a marked improvement in her walk, and I gave her the homework of tapping each morning and evening. I also suggested that she visualize both seeing herself walking and moving around physically in the way that she wanted and also visualize herself standing up to people she had difficulty confronting.
The next morning we had breakfast with Lova’s son, Skip. Skip owns a trucking company and drives the big rigs. A few years ago his semi was hit from behind by another truck. He’s been on different painkillers ever since and because he’s a truck driver, he’s limited to what he can take. After breakfast, I told him I’d teach him the EFT Shortcut method in five minutes. Here I was standing in front of a hardware store tapping away. On a SUDs (Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale) of zero to 10, he started out at a five. Within two rounds of EFT, he was down to a two. Tapping another round he was at a zero. Shane was shocked at the pain relief. I told him that he now had a tool he could use anytime that he felt pain. I also recommended that he use EFT for the trauma related to the accident and the subsequent lawsuit. These are things that typically don’t get treated.
Later that day, I was visiting my best fiend, Herb. We were watching one of the football playoff games and he mentioned that he had Bursitis in both arms. We did a few rounds of EFT and the Bursitis pain in his right arm was completely gone. His left arm was much better, but the pain was not completely alleviated. I suggested that he tap each morning and evening. A few days after I returned home, I received an e-mail that said, “My right arm is still GREAT! Left not so good. Will work on getting it to feel better. What an amazing thing.” Keep in mind that this was a person who was highly skeptical about EFT. Not anymore.
It was wonder-full and rewarding to be able to share such a simple and powerful method as EFT with my good friends in California. They now have a self-help tool for creating positive results at work, in play and everyday life using EFT.
I’m a newbie. But I have used EFT very successfully to heal my recurrent headaches…and when I can sense it’s coming, I have found EFT very helpful in nipping the headache in the bud!
I try to share this with all my friends as EFT techniques have revolutionized my life!
Thanks so much,
Buddy Grendel
Hello webmaster, commenters and all people else !!! The blog was absolutely incredible! Lots of great info and inspiration, both of which all of us need!b Maintain ’em coming… you all do such an ideal job at such Concepts… cannot inform you how much I, for one appreciate all you do!