The Tapping Solution

Seven years ago when I first learned EFT, the best way was to get Gary Craig’s videos. I bought all of the video sets and watched hours and hours of his seminars. At the time, there were few books about EFT and really no videos I thought would be good to introduce EFT to the lay public. That changed last summer when Gary produced a well-received, seven minute EFT introductory video. If his video was an appetizer, then the new film, The Tapping Solution, is the entrée and main course to introducing people to EFT.
I’ve followed the progress on this project since it was announced last year. It premiered this month, and I received my copy of The Tapping Solution yesterday. I watched it twice — once by myself in the afternoon and another time with my wife in the evening. (I’ll tell you what she said about the movie at the end of this post.)
I wasn’t sure what to expect. Perhaps you saw the trailer for it. Based on seeing Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, and Joe Vitale in the trailer, I wondered if it would be an attempt at a sequel to The Secret. Thankfully, I discovered that it wasn’t. I really liked The Secret and preferred not to see a copycat version. The Tapping Solution stands on its own. It combines vignettes from luminaries in the health care and life coaching arenas with “real world” people who want to change their lives using EFT.
This is the kind of film I might see on HBO Documentary Films or a special feature documentary from Spiritual Cinema Circle. In fact, these would be fine alternate channels of distribution for the movie. The film’s strength is that it has a real, down-to-earth, non-Hollywood quality to it. It’s not overproduced. It has a gentle feel to it. Even the musical score in the film purely complements what’s going on visually.
In short, the movie documents ten people with health and other life issues that come together in a retreat for four days. They learn how to do EFT for their problems. I enjoyed watching Rick Wilkes skillfully, passionately and often with a sense of humor, guide people through EFT and their processes. As always, Carol Look is so intuitive and articulate in explaining and doing EFT. And Dr. Patricia Carrington is one of those people that when she talks, you listen. She has a peaceful presence about her. Of course, these are just three fine examples. You’ll see many other wonderful EFT practitioners and experts in the film. I’ll save those surprises for you.
The Tapping Solution shows what a team of people with passion, commitment and talent can do. Nicolas Ortner is the founder of Try It Productions and the producer of the film. It’s one thing to have a grand vision to do a project like this. It’s another thing to have the courage and tenacity to manifest it. I have great respect for what Try It Productions has done. Nick’s sister, Jessica Ortner, is the assistant producer, project manager and interviewer. She’s the “behind the scenes” person. The experts in this film are well-known and interviewed quite often. It’s a real challenge to ask the right questions and build rapport to get the gems of comments these experts have provided. Nicely done, Jessica.
Nicholas Polizzi is the director and editor of The Tapping Solution. What was very impressive to me about the film was the editing. It was skillfully and beautifully woven together. In his editing, he intertwined comments with experts and participants in a smooth and natural way. It flowed together so well that the hour and 20 minutes was gone before I realized it. I imagine one of the toughest challenges to making the film was cutting it. There had to be a lot of great footage left behind. Lastly, thanks to the participants for being so open and generous in sharing their issues and allowing themselves to be filmed. Their humanity comes across. I felt very connected to them.
As I mentioned, after watching the film by myself, I saw it with my wife, Linda. I didn’t say anything to her while we were watching it. I wanted to get her spontaneous reaction. The first thing she said was that she noticed many of the retreat participants’ faces had changed by the end of the film. They looked softer, more vibrant and alive.
As the credits for the film were rolling, she commented, “Wow. Great. Excellent. Very, very well done. So believable. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
I love Dr. Carrington’s comment near the end of the film, “EFT is, I consider to be the people’s method. It’s there for all of us and literally at our fingertips.” The Tapping Solution is a great way to introduce the EFT method to people. Order a copy. Invite some people over to see it or pass the DVD around to your friends and family. Do it because The Tapping Solution is a show it to everyone movie. It explains why I was excited to learn EFT seven years ago and why I continue to appreciate the wondrous results it can produce. EFT is a gift and so is this film.
I’m very curious; Was Cary Craig, the founder of EFT, in any way involved in this movie?
I ordered the DVD last week and watched it and Ron gives a great description of how impactful this film really is. The quality and tone of the film are right on and it’s so easy to relate to and connect with these people. It’s especially good for those unfamiliar with EFT to see for themselves the kind of transformation that is possible.
btw, I saw Elja’s comment and had recently read the answer to it on the website. (See below)
“Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, was invited to be interviewed for the film. He declined and explains why below:
‘Since I first introduced EFT, countless well-meaning people have produced books, articles, websites, videos, etc. that are designed to portray and explain EFT to the public. They all do it differently, emphasizing different things, leaving some things out and adding some things in.
This is why I don’t appear in or endorse any one else’s description of EFT. If I did, it would imply that I agree with these different versions and that creates nothing but conflict over “what is the right portrayal of EFT.’
While we certainly wish Gary could have been part of the film, we respect his position!”