Money is a Feeling

It’s only money, honey. Money is a feeling. As a follow-up to Financial Storm, because there’s so much focus on the economy being tight, people are getting uptight. Several people have asked me how to use EFT for money issues. Of course, one of the best places to go is Carol Look’s Attracting Abundance Website. About 12 years ago, before I knew anything about EFT, I was a partner in a business experiencing a recession in Southern California. One of the most helpful things for me was buying a little box of cards, Creating Money: Affirmations for Abundance by Orin and DaBen. I don’t even think the box of cards are available anymore, but the companion book, Creating Money, just came out in a new edition. I recommend it.
You can read an excerpt from the book here. Perhaps you’ll also want to read the article, Change Beliefs of Scarcity into Abundance.
Another book I found to be of value was Stuart Wilde’s, The Trick to Money is Having Some. One of his gems was, “Abundance will never be a factor of how much money one has. Rather it is always a factor of how on feels about what money one does have.”
How do you feel about the money that you do have? When you think of money and economic uncertainty, how do you feel? Are we feeling a reflection of the economy or is the economy the sum of our individual feelings about money right now? While most economic conditions are out of our control, we can do something about how we feel about money. When you get uncomfortable feelings or thoughts about money, stay with it and use EFT. Do an EFT setup statement based on your specific feelings.
You also might play with these statements. Just do a round of tapping while saying each one aloud.
Even though I’m afraid I won’t have enough, I am enough.
I let go of my fear of the future, of uncertainty and doubt. I choose to release fearful feelings.
I trust by staying in the moment, I’ll know what to do and which steps to take.
Lastly, here are three of the Creating Money cards you can tap. Do a round of tapping on the EFT points with each one:
All my money is energy awaiting my command to create good in my life.
I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness and self-love.
My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.
I also suggest using another method similar to BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) and ZPoint Process — the Power Word Technique — from Joan Sotkin. The free excerpt of the Power Word Technique is from Joan’s book, Build Your Money Muscles.
The most important thing whether you’re using EFT of other methods is to keep your energy and feelings about money open and flowing instead of contracted and tight.
1 Comment
- Lucky 21 | Tapping EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques EFTzone - [...] any limiting feelings that you don’t. No pain, BIG gain. In April, I wrote a post titled, Money is…
I like the the tap along statement “I trust by staying in the moment, I’ll know what to do and which steps to take.” I have found that it was hard to get to that point without a personal epiphany, and the release of a whole lot of childhood baggage. But once there, it has been a very rewarding place to be. Take care, and thanks for the snippet!