EFT Practitioner Survey

Sep 12, 08 EFT Practitioner Survey

Who are EFT practitioners? What are their occupations? As a service to EFTzone readers, during the summer of 2008, we did a brief telephone survey of EFT practitioners in the USA. Out of a compiled list of approximately 852 practitioners, we performed a random telephone survey, completing 102 surveys. Each survey took about five minutes. This is a summary of the results of the survey.

EFT is keeping many practitioners busy. Almost two-thirds of the EFT practitioners surveyed do it full time. Around a third are part time. Some practitioners are in the process of building their practices. Most offer EFT and other methods of energy psychology and healing.

The predominant occupation for EFT practitioners is coaching, whether it’s working with individuals for personal coaching or in business. The other major areas are mental health professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists, plus hypnotherapists.

Almost three-quarters of EFT practitioners are general practitioners. They work with their clients to resolve a range of issues. With those who specialize, the top areas of specialty are:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Fears and phobias
  • Trauma from accidents
  • Addictions, weight issues and phobias
  • Pain management

Other specialties highlighted include spiritual matters, self-esteem issues, sexual abuse, PTSD, grief, and women’s issues.

You’ll be pleased to know that if you’re looking for an EFT practitioner, those who are practicing have significant experience. Although EFT is fairly new to the general public, EFT practitioners have been doing EFT with their clients for quite some time. Eighty percent of those surveyed have been offering EFT for at least three years. Only a few practitioners have been doing EFT for less than a year.

What was surprising is even though most EFT practitioners can offer clients EFT via the telephone, that’s not how most EFT practitioners do their work. It’s mostly in person. Almost 70 percent of those surveyed do less than 25 percent of EFT services by phone. Several people mentioned that they would like to increase their telephone clientele.

We asked EFT practitioners the single most important way they learned EFT. The majority mentioned it was by viewing Gary Craig’s video libraries. We can attribute some of this to the fact that until the last few years, other than the EFT manual, that was the only comprehensive learning tool available. Today, the videos continue to be the most in-depth, cost effective way for lay people and practitioners to learn EFT.

Most EFT practitioners focus on offering their services and do not offer their own products. Many practitioners provide handouts or free information on their Websites. Of those who do offer products, it’s usually products developed by other EFT practitioners sold through affiliate programs. Some practitioners would like to develop products. Others don’t feel they have the time nor inclination to deal with business issues such as stocking and ordering. Some practitioners said that their profession prohibited them from offering products.

Recently, Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, started a certification program to emphasize EFT video instruction as the standard, and to bring more consistency back to the instruction and practice of EFT. Another purpose was to help prospective clients find a qualified practitioner that focused on EFT. We were surprised to find that only about one-third of EFT practitioners plan to be certified under the new program. The majority of practitioners aren’t sure or were not aware of the program.

Several practitioners mentioned that they didn’t only specialize in EFT. They offered other energy healing modalities. A number of practitioners said that they had developed a healthy client base and didn’t feel the need to be “re-certified.”


  1. Michael Galvin /

    Keep in mind that to offer treatment for mental health issues such as phobia, anxiety, trauma, depression, and so forth, a license is required in all states and provinces. Simply “saying” that one is a coach or minister does not substitute for a license.

  2. With all due respect to Michael Galvin, a license is only required for issues that have a medical etiology, that which is diagnosed by a physician. For example, bipolar disease or clinical depression is a medical problem requiring treatment by a licensed medical practitioner or psychologist. With such issues, a coach or hypnotherapist must get a medical referral from the attending physician or psychiatrist. On the other hand, typical anxiety, sadness, trauma or phobias are not usually medical etiologies and do not require such licensed care.

    Additionally, there is no licensure for life coaching, business coaching or for hypnotherapy (except in Indiana, New Mexico and Washington). Certification by a recognized certifying board is required in most other states.

  3. Thanks. Good input. My take is that coaches aren’t therapists and therapists can be coaches. I like the specifics of this matrix to help explain the difference between a therapist and a coach: http://tinyurl.com/therapist-coach

    I’ll quote Gary Craig, “Always use EFT with common sense and don’t go where you aren’t qualified.”

  4. Susan Denham /

    I thought this survey and the facts presented are very good information for myself, as a practitioner, and for those considering EFT as a business. If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to HOW to start your EFT or Energy Healing business, see http://EFTBizSuccess.com

    I’m excited to find out how many practitioners don’t actually specialize. Is this a mistake on their part, or is there some benefit to not specializing? What do you think?

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