EFT for War Veterans

Nov 11, 08 EFT for War Veterans

PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) is an anxiety disorder that often develops after exposure to one or more terrifying events that threatened or caused grave physical harm. PTSD is a major issue for military service men and women who have returned from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. According to a recent study by the RAND Corporation, about one in five war veterans or 300,000 in total, report symptoms of PTSD or major depression. Of concern is that half of the vets experiencing PTSD have not sought treatment, primarily for fear it will harm their careers. Also, according to the study, PTSD could cost America as much as $6.2 billion. Investing in better treatment could save close to $2 billion. EFT could be a lifesaver for returning veterans and their families.

In March of 2008, Gary Craig and other EFT experts spent five days helping PTSD ridden military veterans in San Francisco to introduce them to EFT. Gary just released a 20 minute segment. Please watch it. Note that in capturing the candor of these veterans, there are a couple of profanities mentioned. A psychologist and psychiatrist also participated and make comments about the efficacy of EFT. This is an impressive video to watch because EFT offers great hope in helping to heal the trauma of our military veterans and their families. You can view it online at EFT Universe. Please share this video with people you know who might benefit from seeing it.


  1. Dennis Lang /

    Very compelling video. Are there any longitudinal studies planned to compare efficacy of EFT with control groups?

    Are you aware of EFT being practiced at Fort Drum?

  2. Dennis, there’s a limited amount of research on EFT simply because of the financial costs. You can read about some of the research projects listed below at this Website: http://tinyurl.com/EFTresearch

    — The effect of Psychotherapy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) on Stress Hormones, Anxiety, and Depression.
    — When Emotions Heal, the Body Heals: The Range of Motion Study.
    — The Iraq Vets Stress Project.
    — Effects of EFT on Depression.
    — DNA and EFT: The Effects of EFT on Stress Gene Expression.
    — The MACE study: Mitigating Adverse Childhood Experiences.
    — Athletic Performance Study.
    — Energy Psychology Clinical Case History Database
    — Tracking Studies in EFT and Energy Psychology.

    Regarding EFT at Fort Drum, you might check with one of these EFT practitioners in the area to see if they know: http://www.stressproject.org/vatherapists.html

  3. Dennis and Ron,
    As a member of the research team, I’d like to share that a randomized study is almost complete. All participating practitioners donated the sessions they offered to make this happen. The outcome is astounding.
    Plese visit http://www.stressproject.org and http://www.eft4vets.com//www.eftforvets.com for updates.
    This is truly an effective healing tool for veterans and their families.

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