I Quit

Feb 13, 09 I Quit

Maybe you don’t need to quit because you’re not doing it. If you are, quit right now. Quit acquiescing to the focus on negative news. Psychological intuitive and energy therapist, Carol Tuttle has had enough so she’s launching her official 2009 “I Quit” campaign. You can find out the details by listening to Carol’s radio show this Sunday, February 15th.

Here’s what Carol says:

I Quit.

I quit listening to the media and how bad things are. I quit believing there is not enough money. I quit believing in a power outside of me and really woke up that I am creating my life.

That is when I started teaching people this:

If you focus on “no money, no money, no money,” Guess what you get? The answer seems pretty simple when asked like that! No Money!

I have been teaching people for years that you need to focus on what you want, not what you fear. There are a lot of people running a lot of limiting beliefs right now. You may be one of them. That is why I am launching my official 2009 “I Quit” campaign. I am not quitting what I do, are you kidding I am just getting started. People need this information more than ever.

Join me this Sunday on my weekly “Living Your Truth” radio show to hear more about what I am quitting and what I have quit through the years that has allowed more JOY to BE in my life.

I am going to help you quit this year. Quit buying into all the lack and limitation that is stirred up right now. I am also launching my “I Quit” product campaign. You will learn more about that on Sunday.

What are you ready to quit? What loser default programming are you ready to quit? What pattern of lack are you ready to quit. Let’s get started Sunday.

The “Living Your Truth” Radio Show
Sunday, February 15th
4-5 pm MT

In other time zones:

3-4 pm PST
5-6 pm CST
6-7 pm EST

To listen just go to Carol’s Website, click on the “Radio/Video” tab.

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