Introducing MindSigns Personal Billboards

I discovered EFT by “accident.” In 2001, I was a stressed out business executive. My youngest daughter was dealing with the challenges of high school — all the studying, tests, peer pressure, and difficulties of growing up. At the same time, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. These factors jolted me into being motivated to find alternatives to prescription drugs. That’s when I was fortunate to find EFT. Plus, I came up with an unusual idea that helped lift their spirits.
Although I was busy traveling during the week, I wanted a way to show I was thinking about my daughter and father. I focused on how I might show I cared about their well-being. As an action minded person, I decided to create a book of affirming thoughts and empowering questions. It was called MindSigns Personal Billboards. MindSigns was published as a large book of affirmation signs people could tear out and post in visible places around the house to stay in a positive state of mind. At the time, the book was printed in black-and-white because the printing technology then was too expensive to do in full color. That’s all changed.
About six months ago, I woke up one morning and decided to turn MindSigns into full color greeting cards. The idea was to offer people a way to encourage someone they care about by sending an affordable gift not once but up to 52 times a year, automatically. After doing our test marketing, the product is now available. We’ve had a very enthusiastic response. You can learn more about MindSigns Personal Billboards, including viewing all 52 designs, at our new Website. Just zip on over to
Note: It’s all done automatically. There are no cards to pick or messages to write inside. We do it all for you, including the creation, printing, stuffing, stamping and mailing each week. And each gift greeting card indicates it’s from you. You can send MindSigns cards to anyone anywhere in the world.
Take a look. Let me know what you think.
What a wonderful idea.