Gene Monterastelli’s EFT Q&A

An excellent Website for learning more about EFT is Gene Monterastelli’s EFT Q&A Website. Gene has answers to the most common (and uncommon) questions about EFT. In fact, there are over 130 articles on EFT. Gene is a Baltimore, Maryland based EFT practitioner. He regularly works with clients in the areas of stress, weight loss, limiting beliefs, anxieties, learning disabilities, pain management, and relationship issues. Got a question about EFT? Ask Gene or check his Q&A Archive. Also, Gene recently started a series of EFT Podcasts. I did one on stress and you can listen to it below.
[audio:|titles=Ron Ball Stress Interview]Here are the other current Postcasts.
- Interview with Rick Wilkes, plus Making EFT Routine
- Pain is Not Real with Dan Cleary
- The Whats, Whys, and Hows of Surrogate Tapping
- Dispositions About Healing, an interview from Radio EFT with Michele Price radio program
Upcoming Guests
- Rod Sherwin
- Dene Ballantine
- Rue Hass
- Ingrid Dinter
- Angie Muccillo
- Robert Kendall
- Gina Parris
Upcoming Topics
- Highly Sensitive Temperament
- Pain Management
- EFT with Kids
- Use EFT with the Wounds of Abortion
- Solution Focused Brief Therapy and EFT
- EFT for/with Animals
- EFT for ASD
Gene is a not only a talented EFT Practitioner, but an all-around talented and creative guy. I highly recommend checking out Gene’s EFT Q&A.