Must See — Free EFT Wealth Videos

Nov 05, 09 Must See — Free EFT Wealth Videos

Are you wealthy? Sure you are. Right now. The dictionary says wealth is an abundance or profusion of anything, a plentiful amount. That doesn’t just mean money. You may have a wealth of time, hobbies, friendships or love. However, let’s just play around with the idea of money. You want to increase your wealth. The desire is there. So what’s the problem? The trick is dis-covering and erasing your limiting unconscious beliefs and emotions. Let me tell you about something you can get free today that will help you do just that.

Yes, I get emails every day with people selling me all kinds of stuff with headlines like — GET RICH NOW. THE LAZY WAY TO WEALTH. GUARANTEED! I’m sure some of these programs are good. Of course an easier way for me is to get my airline ticket to pick up the millions of dollars they’re holding for me in Nigeria. It seems that a lot of wealthy people over there are dying. Their relatives, being very generous, have found me and want to share the moola.

When it comes to really teaching people how to create abundance, I know of two people who walk their talk. First, there’s Carol Look. Carol has been teaching ways of attracting abundance using EFT for several years now. She’s great. Carol has a chapter on it in the book, Freedom at Your Fingertips. Another person is Margaret Lynch. All of us were on the nine day Tapping World Summit.

Margaret has a new program she’s coming out with called The Secret of Intentional Wealth. She’s going to sell this program. And, as part of her introductory promotion, she’s offering free videos on different topics. All you need to do is provide your name and email address, and you’ll be able to view the videos immediately.

The first one is, The Power of Outrageous Goals. You can get this free video by signing up here. Margaret even includes a transcript you can download. After you watch the videos I’m willing to bet that you’re going to experience a dramatic shift just a few minutes after you watch them.

The second video is, Your Tapping Solutions for Resistance and Self-Sabotage. You can get the video here.

The third video is, Blasting Through Your Money Blocks and Barriers. This video is available here.

The fourth video is, Tap into Your Brilliance. This video is here.

I highly recommend you watch these free videos because they’re about using EFT or tapping to create changes in your life from the inside out. Margaret is terrific! Go to it because the freebies are only available for a short time.

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