About Frogs, Balloons, and EFT

Dec 08, 09 About Frogs, Balloons, and EFT

As I recall, I found out about Joan Feldman’s book, A Frog in My Basement: A Therapist’s Curious Journey into Energy Psychology and the Law of Attraction from a Google Alert I have on EFT. For some reason I was drawn and compelled to buy a copy of the book. I just finished reading it and what a hoot it was. Joan’s book is an entertaining, educational and enlightening story wrapped and packaged in 288 pages. As an added plus, the appendices give you tools for doing EFT and TAT.

Her writing style is funny, witty, and insightful. I smiled as I read along because I can relate to many things she said. She explains the challenges she had going from being a traditional therapist to entering the land of “Woo Woo” and having strange things happen to her while getting amazing results. Imagine a therapy session where your therapist shook, rocked, growled and yawned, not from disinterest, but as part of the energetic healing process. All of this showed up for Joan as she trusted her intuition. She was being called to make a choice between her old beliefs and the new, albeit illogical ones, being presented to her.

One part that especially clicks for every EFT practitioner is chapter nine, “Ungrateful Wretches.” Joan talks about clients getting small miracles from methods like EFT, whereupon the clients gloss over or dismiss giving credit to EFT. This is called the “Apex Effect.”

Joan Feldman willingly takes risks in being very open and genuine about her experiences and adventures into energy psychology and the law of attraction. Her passion radiates from the pages. She sprinkles in a handful of case stories that are compelling and captivating. The book is full of zippy energy, humor and Joan’s unbridled optimism. As Joan says near the end of her book, “My goal is to offer you a new way of thinking to help you be happier and more hopeful and to give you tools for creating a better life.”

Joan Feldman’s book, A Frog in My Basement: A Therapist’s Curious Journey into Energy Psychology and the Law of Attraction, is a charming, heartwarming read. Get the book. I believe you’ll be grateful you did.


  1. Yes!…EFT helps you get to the heart of the matter and release unconscious limiting beliefs…

  2. joan feldman /

    Hi Ron,

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review of “FROG”. The article was so well written I feel as if I could use it for a press release. With your permission I’m going to post it and link to you on my website.

    It’s so wonderful to see how many of us are out there doing this work. Thanks again for helping me to get Frog’s message to the world. I hope we can keep in contact.

    With appreciation,


  3. Linda Erlich /

    Hey Ron,
    What a wonderful posting. I am Joan’s sister and I know first hand the physical and emotional energy she expended to get this word out to those who need it. It took her many heart wrenching and courageous years to get her message on paper. And then more than a year of tenaciousness to get it in book form and into the hands of people like you and those whose hands it will finds itself. Thank you for your wonderful posting. I am sure it will help the Frog find it’s way to the very people who need it.

  4. Sandra - Emotional Healing Enthusiast /

    I love it. Thanks.

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