Brad Yates and The Wizard’s Wish

Brad Yates has a new book due out in a few days. It might just be a real game changer in empowering the next generation to achieve greater health, wealth and happiness. It all comes together in one of my favorite forms — a children’s book.
I first met Brad back in March of 2005 when I was attending one of Gary Craig’s EFT workshops. I was just starting the EFTzone and we met in Costa Mesa, California. Brad is very warm and personable. For a decade now, my friend, Brad Yates, has been working with folks to support them in creating the life they really want. He does this primarily by using EFT to tap away limiting beliefs about what they can be, do and have. These are beliefs that were mostly developed long ago from childhood experiences. (Note: Be sure to check out Brad Yate’s EFTzone Audio Spotlight and the free Brad Yates videos.)
In any event, Brad wondered what kids could grow up to be if they had EFT to clear emotional discomfort right when it shows up, long before it starts limiting their lives. Of course, if you just tell kids, “EFT is this thing that is good for you, so do it,” that sounds about as enticing as eating their vegetables. So Brad wanted to find a fun way of delivering this simple yet powerful tool of EFT to a younger audience, and the result is his new book, The Wizard’s Wish — Or, How He Made the Yuckies Go Away, A Story About the Magic in You.
Brad’s book has the things that kids of all ages enjoy: magic, fantasy, a happy ending, and even some cute pictures of animals, too. This bright and colorful, playfully illustrated storybook is as fun as it is helpful. The book artfully conveys the message that the key to the Law of Attraction is feeling good. Feeling good is our natural tendency, and children are better at it than adults because they aren’t carrying around as many reasons not to be. With the ability to quickly tap away “not so good” feelings, youngsters will naturally create more joyful and abundant lives for themselves. Of course, this benefits everyone.
Telling youngsters how to move through uncomfortable feelings with EFT isn’t the only positive message in the book. Other subjects touched on in the book that adults can discuss with kids include:
- Love of learning and books.
- Being in control of your own feelings.
- Good things happen when you feel good (Law of Attraction).
- Being helpful.
- Compassion for others.
- Appreciation of other cultures.
- Diligence and persistence.
- Overcoming obstacles.
- Willingness to try new things.
- Community bonding.
- Kindness to animals.
- And more…
Brad Yates is a superb storyteller and one of the most skillful and playful EFT practitioners I know. I highly recommend that you get his new book, The Wizard’s Wish, on August 18th by going to The Wizard’s Wish Website. Go ahead, and put some magic into a child’s life!
Brad, we must talk. I have recently developed an empowering character building program, I Believe I Can Fly! at
It is my mission to change the way the world thinks, one mind at a time.
AND had just thought of integrating Alex Loyd’s Healing Codes into the next phase.
Others interested in children’s well being…please contact me
Together we WILL make a difference!
I’m a big fan of Brad Yates’ work and look forward to adding “The Wizard’s Wish” to my children’s library. If we can teach our children at a young age to use tools like EFT, we will open a new door of possibilities in health and wellness for them. Thanks for a great review.