Jack Canfield EFT Video

Feb 01, 11 Jack Canfield EFT Video

It starts on Monday, February 21st and runs for 10 consecutive days with two presentations every night. It’s the 2011 Tapping World Summit. The event is free and you can also order recordings afterwards. You’ll hear a rare collection of interviews from the experts that teach and live daily with the tapping tools, applied both in their own lives and those of their clients. The 2011 Tapping World Summit will also give you real-life insight into these experts’ personal lives and how they utilize tapping in their daily practice. These experts will  reveal things that they’ve never shared in a live event before.

As Bob Proctor says in the film The Tapping Solution, “People are starting to understand themselves as an energy field. And the fact that they can work with it to get the results they want.” And these experts aren’t just saying they support EFT, they’re saying that they use it on a regular basis and have had positive results with it. To give you a snapshot, a soundbite, a feel for the summit, check out this video from Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and featured expert in the hit film The Secret where he talks specifically about EFT:

View Jack Canfield Video

In the video Jack reveals some really eye opening insights as to why he thinks EFT is so critical to use, how he has used EFT in his own life, and how he recommends you use it to get exactly what you want in life. This video is one of a series of videos being released leading up to the 2011 Tapping World Summit. This online event happens once a year and is not only the biggest event in the EFT community, but also one of the most popular events that happens in the entire personal development world.

Over 100,000 people attended this event online in 2010 and over 81,000 people attended in 2009.  And this year… they’re expecting over 200,000 people! The Summit is 100% content and the best part is that it’s free.

Again, check out Jack Canfield’s video.

View Jack Canfield Video

I think Jack pretty much sums up how powerful EFT is and what he thinks about it with this great line in the video:

“The only advise I would have for somebody thinking about EFT would be do it.  There’s nothing to lose. It’s so fast.  It’s such a powerfully quick process.”

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