Allowing Happiness on Cue
In a blog post titled, Happiometricians, published a few years ago, I said that I’d found a great way to get an energy buzz by tapping on the EFT points while saying, “I release any ways that I’m feeling unhappy. I choose happiness right here, right now.” Although we may not all agree on what happiness is, we’re pretty sure what it isn’t. One way to be more happy is to let go of the junk that makes us feel unhappy.
That’s the premise of a new book out by Grant Connolly. The title of the book is Allowing Happiness on Cue: A Simple, Powerful Way to Gently Let Go of Feelings and Limiting Beliefs that Block True Peace of Mind and Happiness. It’s available from Amazon in the USA, Canada, the UK, France and Germany in the English language edition, plus there are Kindle and Nook editions if you have an electronic reader.
The book introduces you to the ZPoint Process, a healing technique that you can learn in minutes to feel increasingly peaceful, relaxed and emotionally balanced. The ZPoint Process uses a cue word to employ the power of our subconscious mind to change the things that contribute to any feelings of unhappiness.
What if you could feel happier and transform your life by clearing away the things that make you feel unhappy, allowing your happiness to shine through? What if there was a process for this that you could learn quickly and easily? What if you didn’t have to do much because it worked automatically, ingeniously whenever you gave it a cue? That’s what you’ll learn in Grant’s book. And it’s more than a book. It’s a book with recordings because you also get access to free download recordings to guide you through the process step-by-step.
Grant Connolly wasn’t always so happy. He had a very unhappy childhood, got bullied, dropped out of high school, and felt like a failure for many years. No more. Today, his life is rich, full and deeply satisfying. In short, he’s having the best time of his life. After going back to school in his early thirties to study technology—computers and communications—he followed his passion and worked with computers for a number of years. Fascinated with how the subconscious mind works, Grant became a certified hypnotist.
Using his greatest abilities—following his intuition and synthesizing everything he’s learned—he developed the ZPoint Process to transform his life by clearing away all the things that made him feel unhappy. He says that when we clear all of the things that we are not, underneath we’ll find the person we’ve always wanted to be.
Allowing Happiness on Cue is a gem of a little book. It’ll help you learn a process that can help you uncover the happiness that’s already there!