Gwenn Bonnell is one of the co-authors of the popular EFT book, Freedom at Your Fingertips: Get Rapid Physical & Emotional Relief with the Breakthrough System of Tapping. She wrote an excellent chapter on pain management. In the following story, Gwenn shares how she used EFT at a recent family gathering to show her mother how...
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Years ago, after reading books on Gestalt Therapy by psychiatrist, Fritz Perls, I learned that one of the most powerful things I could do was make a very simple change in my language. Specifically, change the word “but” to “and.” For example, take the sentence, “I want to be understanding, BUT I...
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About 18 months ago, I wrote an article, Just Say No to Drugs? The gist of the article was that there is a contradiction in our culture regarding drugs. In the eighties, we had the slogan, “Just Say No to Drugs.” Today, I’d amend it to, “Just say no to drugs … unless they’re prescribed or on...
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Although Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, says that no one doing EFT is ever asked to follow any specific spiritual teaching, Gary does say, “I do come at this procedure from a decidedly spiritual perspective.” So, what if you’re doing EFT and want to use it as a tool to go deeper in your spiritual life? Then...
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Did you know that your eyes are oxygen processors and need a lot of oxygen to stay healthy and comfortable? As you age, particularly between 35 and 50, you need more energy to focus your eyes for reading. And, contrary to making people more productive, computers may do just the opposite. Computer vision stress causes people to see...
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