Anger Management %@#&!

Jul 06, 07 Anger Management %@#&!

Posted by in Health & Living

Hey, people get angry. It’s a normal emotion. Sometimes anger can even be a helpful way to make a decision or get motivated to act on an important issue. The problem is that a lot of people haven’t learned ways to let go of their anger. They hold onto it until it builds into an unhealthy emotional state. As a result, we...

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EFT and the Elderly

Jun 25, 07 EFT and the Elderly

Posted by in Health & Living

An area that offers great potential for healing and helping people is using EFT with the elderly. EFT can be used for physical issues like increased mobility, flexibility and pain. Perhaps EFT’s most important value is helping the elderly ease their fears with issues like abandonment, family, finances, health, insomnia, panic...

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Combining EFT & “Afformations”

May 14, 07 Combining EFT & “Afformations”

Posted by in Learning

Although most of the time we’re doing it subconsciously, internally we ask a lot of questions. Our minds are like search engines. Ask a question and our minds automatically search for information to provide an answer. Ask positive questions and we’ll get positive answers. Conversely, negative questions beget negative...

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Roundup of Free EFT Video Clips

May 02, 07 Roundup of Free EFT Video Clips

Posted by in Learning

A few years ago, the only way to learn about EFT was by going to Gary Craig’s Website and purchasing a set of videos. That’s if you were really serious about learning EFT because the shortest DVD set was 13 hours long. That’s all changed. Nick Ortner and his team now to an annual online tapping summit. There are...

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Sweet Nightmares

Apr 09, 07 Sweet Nightmares

Posted by in Health & Living

A friend of mind came to me and said that she had dreamt the same “nightmare” for the past two nights. Although she couldn’t make sense of her dream, the emotions were quite powerful, and she really wanted to find out what the dream meant. According to some books on dreams, recurring dreams happen when a situation...

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