A real innovator with EFT, Dr. Patricia Carrington is the creator of the popular Choices Method. In her March, 2007 newsletter, she posted an excellent article where she discussed doing a technique she calls “The EFT Forbidding Tactic.” Here’s the article from her free newsletter Meridian Tapping Times. The EFT...
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There’s not a week that goes by now that I don’t get a phone call or e-mail from a friend asking me if I’ve seen The Secret. If you haven’t seen or heard about it yet, The Secret started as a DVD video and also became a book — the #1 selling book in one of the categories of the New York Times...
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Betty Moore-Hafter, EFT Practioner and co-author of the book, Freedom at Your Fingertips, has come up with a creative way to deal with personal conflicts and people that you may have an issue with or a “bone to pick.” You can release unwanted negative emotions without ever having to confront anyone. In this article,...
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Sometimes, newcomers to EFT ask me which point to tap for a specific problem and also which “scripts” to use when doing EFT. First, the beauty of EFT is that you don’t need to diagnose an issue and tap on a specific point. You do a round of tapping on ALL of the EFT energy meridian points without knowing which...
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I remember opening up a Chinese Fortune cookie years ago, and gently pulling out its slip of paper that said, “What makes you think that you’ll be happy with more if you’re not already happy with what you have? That struck me as a gem of wisdom. The pursuit of “more” can go on forever. Happiness is...
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