Regulating a Positive State Bank

Jan 18, 07 Regulating a Positive State Bank

Posted by in Learning

What if you could change your state, your feelings in an instant at the tap of your fingers? Dr. Patricia Carrington has discovered a new way to use EFT where you can tap into a bank and increase your rate of positive feelings, images, sounds and other experiences whenever you need to. As with a bank savings account, you build your...

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“Minding” Physical Pain

Jan 05, 07 “Minding” Physical Pain

Posted by in Health & Living

One of the benefits of traveling — especially on long flights — is that I get to catch up on my reading. On a recent flight from Washington, DC to San Francisco, California I read Dr. John Sarno’s book, The Mindbody Prescription. If you’re experiencing any physical pain, I highly recommend that you read this...

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Sugar-Coated Patience Pill

Dec 20, 06 Sugar-Coated Patience Pill

Posted by in Health & Living

There’s a pill for all kinds of things. How about a pill for patience? There’s definitely a market out there for it. It could outsell Lipitor, Plavix, Nexium, Zocor and all of those planetary sounding names. We need to be patient until they come up with such a pill. Patience is something that most of us find...

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Rolling the Dice with Multiple Medications

Dec 13, 06 Rolling the Dice with Multiple Medications

Posted by in Health & Living

According to Dr. Andrew Duxbury, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, “There’s never been a controlled study on a human being involving more than three drugs circulating in the body at the same time. So no one knows, scientifically, exactly what’s going on in your body when you take seven, 10, or a dozen at...

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Have You Been Diagnosed with RGA?

Dec 12, 06 Have You Been Diagnosed with RGA?

Posted by in Favorites, Health & Living

In our culture we are hooked on labels. In addition to simple political labels like liberal/conservative and left/right, we have many different addictions, afflictions, compulsions, conditions, dis-abilities, dis-eases, dis-orders, fixations, obsessions and syndromes. All of these are labels focused on things that are “wrong,...

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