Other than Gary Craig’s EFT Manual, this book has probably sold more copies than any other EFT book. Now available in paperback, Kindle and Nook editions, Freedom at Your Fingertips: Get Rapid Physical and Emotional Relief with the Breakthrough System of Tapping is available in many countries internationally. The book is the...
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If you’re new to EFT and tapping or you’re an accomplished practitioner, this is one experience you won’t want to miss. It is the premier annual event. The Tapping World Summit 2011 kicks off on Monday, February 21st. It’s jam-packed with 20 free presentations over 10 days with some of the top experts from...
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It starts on Monday, February 21st and runs for 10 consecutive days with two presentations every night. It’s the 2011 Tapping World Summit. The event is free and you can also order recordings afterwards. You’ll hear a rare collection of interviews from the experts that teach and live daily with the tapping tools,...
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Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, retired earlier this year. Many of us had the opportunity to see Gary in action at his seminars and workshops. For those of you who didn’t, you can learn directly from Gary from the contents of a CD he released in 2002. It’s titled, EFT for Newcomers. Technology has come a long way....
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Although I don’t recall how it happened, last week I found out about Quantum Entrainment and Dr. Frank Kinslow’s book, The Secret of Instant Healing. At only 121 pages, I read the book in one evening. I just started playing with QE and have already had positive results. This “healing modality” reminds me of...
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Sometimes it’s good to “fight” for things. At other times it’s far more effective to use leverage instead. For example, when our internal critic is yakking away, there’s often an internal fight. What if we gave up the fight and used the principle of Aikido to leverage our critical voice? Aikido is a martial art performed by...
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