
In addition to all that we offer on the EFTzone, we’ll tell you some related sites you’ll like.Enjoy perusing all of the articles and information in the EFTzone and then take a tour of these recommended sites.
Best EFT Sites
EFT Universe has articles, research and information from Gary Craig, the founder of EFT. The site information is now managed by Dawson Church. Subscribe to receive a free EFT manual, newsletter, library of EFT training videos you can rent, plus a wealth of information on using EFT for all kinds of issues. A “must see” site.
GaryThink was the new site from Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, and his daughter, Tina Craig. They’ve now changed it to Emofree which is the original and well known EFT site. You’ll find free video tutorials and information on EFT. Another “must see” site. Go to Official EFT Tutorial.
Noteworthy USA Sites
- Gloria Arenson, a psychotherapist and author, she specializes in EMDR and Meridian Therapy, including Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) and Be Set Free Fast (BSFF).
- Dr. Daniel Benor is the creator of WHEE (Wholistic Hybrid of EMDR and EFT).
- Gwenn Bonnell is a writer, teacher and lecturer, offering private sessions and training and workshops at “Heaven On Earth” in Davie, Florida.
- Roger Callahan Ph.D., is a psychologist, author, founder and developer of Thought Field Therapy (TFT), a technique that led the way in the fields of energy psychology and health.
- Patricia Carrington, Ph.D., is the originator of the EFT “Choices” method. She also spearheads the EFT Certificates of Completion Program.
- Grant Connolly is the creator of the ZPoint Process for instant emotional healing.
- Ingrid Dinter is an EFT coach and an Interfaith Minister. She is also noted for her work with veterans. Visit EFT4Vets.
- Paul & Layne Cutright are the relationship experts and offer EFT audio and video online training.
- Donna Eden & David Feinstein, Ph.D., are pioneers in the fields of energy medicine and energy psychology. Both are authors of books and works in their field.
- Tapas Fleming is the orginator of the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT).
- Garry Flint is a psychologist, author, and developer of the Process Healing method.
- Fred Gallo, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author, innovator in the field of energy psychology and the originator of such techniques as Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods (EDxTM), and Energy Consciousness Therapy (ECT).
- Marilyn Gordon is a certified hypnotherapist, teacher, speaker, healer, school director, and author with over twenty five years of experience both teaching and healing in such areas as language arts, meditation, yoga, and hypnotherapy.
- Lindsay Kenny is a life coach and EFT Master Practitioner.
- Peter Lambrou, Ph.D., and George Pratt, Ph.D., authors and psychologists, focus on Emotional Self-Management which is based on Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
- Carol Look is an EFT Master Practitioner specializing in weight loss, stopping smoking and relieving anxiety. She also does programs for using EFT for success and abundance.
- Angela Treat Lyon is an accomplished EFT practitioner, artist, publisher, entrepreneur and multi-talented person.
- Rebecca Marina is a teacher and EFT expert that produced the video, The Power of Emotions in Our Blood.
- Gene Monterastelli is a Baltimore based EFT practitioner. He regularly works with clients in the areas of stress, weight loss, limiting beliefs, anxieties, learning disabilities, pain management, and relationship issues.
- Phillip & Jane Mountrose are authors and developers of the GTT (Getting Thru Techniques) and holistic healing.
- Larry Nims, Ph.D., psychologist and author, is the creator of Be Set Free Fast (BSFF).
- Alex, Jessica and Nick Ortner are the producers of the Tapping Solution movie, the annual EFT Tapping World Summit. Through their work, they have done a great deal to introduce EFT to the general public.
- Sandi Radomski, a psychotherapist and naturopathic doctor, specializes in allergy work using EFT and other methods.
- Steve Reed is the originator of the REMAP process which finds and addresses the root of an issue through identifying and systematically working each point along the meridian that holds the most intensity.
- Robert G. Smith offers an innovative, dynamic system which he calls FasterEFT. It It combines EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, BSFF, spirituality and good, old-fashion logic to create changes faster and easier.
- Carol Solomon is a psychologist, consultant, teacher, coach and entrepreneur. She has various websites including weight loss with EFT.
- Joan Sotkin, author and speaker, teaches people how to use EFT, BSFF and other techniques to create financial health and abundance.
- Carol Tuttle is a teacher, author and spiritual therapist. Her Carol Tuttle Energy Learning Center offers online e-learning for using EFT and other energy techniques to resolve a variety of issues.
- Maryam Webster, an energy therapist and personal performance coach, heads up the Certified Energy Coach Program and is the creator of Quantum Flow Bioenergetics.
- Brad Yates, trained in hypnotherapy, energy psychology and various schools of thought in the area of personal growth and achievement, coaches groups and individuals in achieving greater success, health and happiness in their lives. He is referred to often by author and marketing expert, Joe Vitale.
Noteworthy International Sites
- Maggie Adkins is an EFT Master Practitioner that resides in Australia.
- Lena Chin provides EFT and past life regression therapy services. Lena’s Healing Haven is about “finding peace through life’s ups and downs.”
- Sylvia Hartmann has written several books on EFT and related topics.
- Dr. Alexander Lees offers seminars, therapy and coaching. His unique style combines other techniques like NLP and is topped off with a great sense of humor.
- Valerie & Paul Lynch — Val focuses on EFT, Reiki and personal development. Paul’s background is in NLP and holistic therapy. Both are authors.
- Rod Sherwin is an energy therapist based in Melbourne, Australia. Rod has a diverse background and is committed to helping people experience emotional and physical freedom.
- Jan Yordy specializes in working with children and young people using EFT and other methods.
- Steve Wells & David Lake — Steve is a psychologist, professional speaker and peak performance consultant. Dr. David Lake is experienced in treating trauma, and using EFT for relationship issues. They are the authors and the developers of Provocative Energy Techniques (PET).
- Gary Williams’ EFT Hub is a site you’ll want to visit. Since Gary also has a background in broadcasting, he knows how to do in-depth interviews. Solid EFT info here.
EFT Master Practitioners
The premier level attainable for an EFT practitioner, EFT Masters have achieved the highest standards of excellence and passed a rigorous qualification program.
EFT Practitioners
Or contact one of these EFT practitioners by geographic region or specialty.
- AAMET is the Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques, an international non-profit association with codes of conduct and standards of practice making them the leading provider for EFT training worldwide
- ACEP is the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology which does an annual conference
- The AMT is The Association for Meridian Therapies
Blogs, Ezines & Newsletters
- Angela Treat Lyon blog
- Attracting Abundance newsletter from Carol Look
- EFT Downunder News newsletter from Steve Wells in Australia
- EFT Audio Hub newsletter
- EFT Newsletter news and case stories EFT Universe
- EFT Tips blog from Carol Solomon
- EvolutionaryNews blog from Maryam Webster
- Free Tapping Tools from Gene Monterastelli
- Heart and Soul of Success newsletter from Phillip and Jane Mountrose
- I am a Creator newsletter archive from Carol Tuttle
- Meridian Times from Patrica Carrington
- Rising Sun EFT Group from Betty Moore-Hafter
- TATLife Newsletter archive from Tapas Fleming
- Thriving Now newsletter from Rick Wilkes
- Tips for EFT newsletter from the 29 EFT Founding Masters