Erasing Negative “Writing on Your Walls”

One of the best classes I took in college was a course in cultural anthropology. That may have been the first time it dawned on me that people’s beliefs were formed so much by what culture they were brought up in. A child from America has different beliefs than a child raised in Bolivia, China or France. The problem is that we think our beliefs are universal “truths.”
Gary Craig, founder of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), talks about this in his video series From EFT to the Palace of Possibilities. Gary discusses our beliefs as the “writing on our walls.” Not only do we get our beliefs from our culture. We get them from our family, friends, school and environment. Most are hand-me-down “truths” and often negative ones. As we grow in life, many of these self-defeating beliefs go unchallenged. Ultimately, our beliefs are either self-defeating or self-fulfilling. And, how often do people consciously create new beliefs for themselves?
Gary says that our consistent thoughts come from the “writing on our walls.” To change our reality, we need to change our consistent thoughts. So how do we do that?
First, we’ve got to become aware of what we’re thinking and mentally processing in our minds. That’s where EFT comes in handy. EFT is superb for uncovering and erasing negative beliefs and then replacing them with positively valuable ones of our choosing.
Another good way to uncover negative beliefs is to go on a diet. Yes, a diet. Not a physical one, a mental diet. The 7 Day MindSigns Diet is a mental diet to lose the weight of negative thinking by becoming more aware of the thoughts zooming between our ears. Go on the diet for seven days and you’ll definitely be challenged. To receive a free copy of The 7 Day MindSigns Diet e-booklet in PDF format, click here.
There was also a great book written over 100 years ago by James Allen. It was originally titled, As a Man Thinketh. Essentially, what Allen said was that the thoughts we process in our minds are reflected back to us in our reality. It’s a classic book. The book is now in the public domain. To download a free version from the Project Gutenberg, click here.
Of course a century later, James Allen would have nixed the old book title. If you prefer to read a printed book, you can find two excellent versions at Amazon. One is called, As You Think by James Allen and Marc Allen. The other is As a Woman Thinketh by Dorothy Hulst.
If you’re in a hurry and want to get the gist of what James Allen said, I’ll save you some time. I’ve condensed his book into a one page PDF file that you can print out. Get it here.