I Want Scientific Proof First!

If you’re looking for a lot of proof and scientific studies about EFT, you aren’t going to find them. Not yet anyway. You will find some research available at the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology Website. Also check Fred Gallo’s site and David Feinstein’s information. Both are well respected people in the field. Scientific studies are lagging mainly because they cost money. I suggest doing a very pragmatic, unscientific experiment.
Do this. Visit Emofree.com. Study the videos and other information. Try EFT several times on different issues. If it works for you, great. Find out more about it. If not, just like changing your television station, move on and try something else. Do you really need scientific proof or an approval before you attempt something as safe and gentle as EFT? Science has its own imperfections. There is a lot of “junk science.” This is science that’s slanted depending on the motivations of those paying for the studies. After all, how many scientific studies have we seen over the years proving that drinking coffee is bad for your health. And these have been countered by other studies which prove that drinking coffee is not harmful. Conflicting reports are plentiful.
A few Websites that you may find of interest perusing are Science Daily, Junk Science and QuackWatch. Although I can respect the latter for “looking out for us” because there are charlatans out there, I know many people doing EFT that are highly ethical and have good intentions. I’m skeptical about some of the information QuackWatch posts. In particular, I found it interesting that they listed EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) as mental help procedures to avoid. EMDR has become an accepted treatment by many organizations. NLP has been around over 30 years. Like any product or service you buy, if it didn’t work, it certainly wouldn’t have lasted this long. Further, the information posted is two years old dating back to 2004.
In conclusion, try my unscientific experiment. Discover for yourself. We don’t know all that there is to know. Their will always be new frontiers to explore. Science can’t explain everything because scientists are limited by their own beliefs and conditioning. And, there are other ways of knowing besides logic and scientific proof. You might like this story by Cynthia Sue Larson about the Limits of Logic. As she says, there are deeper ways of knowing.
Put EFT to your test and decide for yourself. Ultimately, you’ve got to go with what works for you. Personally, I’m not going to wait years for scientific studies to tell me that EFT is “okay and approved.” If I get results for me, fine. As a friend of mine says, “Do whatever floats your boat.”
Ok while researching the EFT claims, I ran into this webite’ article and I see that it’s from 2006. It’s now Feb 2011, 5 years later, so is there now any scientific proof or still nothing?
The best place to check research is http://www.eftuniverse.com. Go to the menu and select “Resources,” then “Research.” Also, go to the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) site at http://www.energypsych.org and see “Research & Resources.”
“In conclusion, try my unscientific experiment. Discover for yourself. We don’t know all that there is to know. Their will always be new frontiers to explore. Science can’t explain everything because scientists are limited by their own beliefs and conditioning.”
– I just want to ask about the emotional freedom technique or EFT, i heard that it is really amazing practice with regards to emotional problems.