Get S.E.T. from Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake

Two respected EFT practitioners are Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake. They’re from Australia and have upcoming workshops in Australia and the USA. You can see a calendar of events here. Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake are innovators in applying EFT and other energy meridian methods to everyday life and business issues. For example, Steve does executive development programs and also has a peak performance workshop called, 100% YES! ? The Secret of Success. Dr. David Lake has a program titled, Energy Techniques for Trading: The Psychology of Trading Successfully. You’ll also find information on their brand or style of EFT that they call SET: Simple Energy Techniques.
Before that, here’s what Steve says about his 100% YES progam:
“The 100% YES! (TM) workshop is about finding your vision and getting clear on your true values. Its about deciding your own version of success and resolving to live life your way — using powerful energy techniques to break through any internal barriers to being able to go for it 100%! This is definitely the best of what I know about how to use EFT and other energy techniques to achieve a life of true value.”
Dr. David Lake comments on his Energy Techniques for Trading: The Psychology of Trading Successfully:
“Let me show you a quick and simple way to achieve more calm, balance, acceptance and self-knowledge than you thought possible. It will probably save you years of suffering personal negativity and false starts. Combined with a good trading system (whose rules you follow exactly) we are talking about a whole new approach to life as a trader.”
Here’s what they say about SET:
“Simple Energy Techniques (SET) is a collection of simple and user-friendly energy techniques, which can provide significant relief for a wide range of emotional problems, and some physical problems. Although the techniques are simple to use, the results of using them can be quite profound.
Many of the techniques and strategies used in SET are adapted and modified from Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Thought Field Therapy ? (TFT), and other energy psychology approaches, although SET also has several elements that make it uniquely different from those approaches.
The main component of SET is a simple process of stimulating energy meridian points on the body for emotional and physical relief. Typically this involves tapping on the points, although rubbing or simply touching the points can also be used. We also encourage and teach a form of continual tapping for “energy toning”. This continual tapping is the cornerstone of SET and the main element that makes it different to EFT and TFT. Additionally, SET almost never uses set-up or reminder statements.”
You can download a complimentary special report outlining the main techniques and processes of SET at their Website: Go get it.