Radiant Woman

There are many good ways to learn EFT. My favorite way is watching Gary Craig’s videos. They offer in-depth learning. They’re convenient. You can study at your own pace. There are also classes, seminars and products offered by EFT Masters and others. These are great ways to dive into EFT if you want to be a practitioner. But what if you know nothing about EFT? What if you’re just someone who wants to grasp what EFT can do and how to do it? What’s an easy way to learn EFT?
For this, I don’t think you can beat the book, Freedom at Your Fingertips. Yes, I’m biased because I’m one of the co-authors. And, let me tell you why I believe it’s a fine way to learn EFT. First, the book is co-written by 20 World-Class EFT experts, including EFT Master Practitioners. Secondly, the book is in a question and answer format. It’s not for sequential reading. It’s a reference book. Just pick any of the 19 topics and go right to that chapter you need. Lastly, the book has real-life case stories and examples of over 300 EFT setup statements.
Now, we’re getting ready to announce another product to introduce people to EFT, and it’s something radically different. It’s Radiant Woman. Let me tell you about her.
We did research and found that a lot of people don’t read books anymore — not just young people but adults too. Reading competes with other forms of learning and entertainment like television and video games. A big preference is learning visually.
To reach a large populace that can benefit from learning EFT, we recognized we needed to offer learning in a format that clicked. “Edutainment” has to be visual, quick and fun to read. That’s why next month we’ll be publishing a full color “comic book” — Radiant Woman.
Vivian Vim is a renowned scientist, socialite and very wealthy woman. She’s also a superhero. Her secret identity is “Radiant Woman.” She’s out to teach the world her “magical energy” powers which are a new healing method that anyone can learn. In this full color comic book you’ll learn a super way to get powerful results for your health and well-being. Super results and you don’t need to be a superhero do to it.
Radiant Woman will be published and available next month. We’ll keep you posted!