The EFT Switchwords Experiment

One of the values of EFT and tapping is that it often “bubbles up” issues at a subconscious level so we can release them. In his book, The Secret of Perfect Living, James T. Mangan, said that to achieve the ultimate in personal joy the key is to bring your conscious and subconscious selves together and hold them together for every second of your entire life. He developed his own way of tapping into the subconscious mind with what he called, “Switchwords,” which are single word affirmations. Here’s how it happened.
“At the instant of noon, Sunday, March 10, 1951, a word fell out of the sky and into my arms. The word seemed to be alive, and like a living spirit, it said confidently and unmistakably, “I am the HOW in “How to achieve happiness on this earth.” The magical, heaven-sent word that came to me that day brought with it the perfect formula for living a life, the revelation of the first and immediate aim in the life of every man. The word was the familiar, supremely obvious word: “TOGETHER.” I began saying TOGETHER to myself quietly, easily, without command. No exclamation point followed it, and no verb or adjective was connected with it. TOGETHER. Nothing else. TOGETHER. Then a pause. Then — TOGETHER. Every time I said the word to myself, a remarkable reaction took place. The word would touch off a deep, prolonged sigh of a quality I had not known for years.”
Over a period of at least ten years, he developed and experimented with with different Switchwords. Here’s a short list of Switchwords that James Mangan said worked successfully for people in hundreds and hundreds of cases.
Here’s how I suggest using Switchwords with EFT:
- Allow 5 to 10 minutes every day to do this.
- Each day, pick an intention and its corresponding Switchword. Just pick one that feels right to you.
- Find a comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted to do this.
- Set your intention and do rounds of EFT tapping while repeating your Switchword at each of the different points. Only say your Switchword, no other words.
- Do EFT and Switchwords rounds of tapping for five to ten minutes or whatever time feels right for you.
- Write down your results.
- Share your results by writing a comment on this post.
To learn more about Switchwords, read James Mangan’s book, The Secret of Perfect Living. Also, do a Google search and you’ll find more information on Switchwords or visit
Lastly, I’ve got a proposition for you. Join me in doing your this “EFT and Switchwords Experiment.” It’s free to sign up. Each day for 10 days, we’ll automatically send you an email with the SwitchWord for the day along with instructions. This is a great reminder and way to create positive changes. You can sign up for the playful experiment by simply filling in your name, email and hitting the Submit button. Go ahead. DO.
and also tell me for how long does the effects of eft remains…. like if we release any pain by eft then for how long it will not come back again can it be gone forever
hi, am going to try it with Together, count and Giggle will see where it gets me in the next ten days.
Hi Ron ,
Thank you very much for 10 day switch word .It really working miracle in my life the Switchword – together , divine ,change . I need to reduce my body weight for that any switchword . please can you help me.
@ Swarna you can try Surya mudra for reducing weight. All the best.
Hi I would like to know the switchwords for repairing a love relationship … is it together divine.. also how long should I chant for
I want to know how to use EFT while chanting DIVINE TOGETHER TRANSFORM FOR Venus CHARM HUG PLAY
This is to resolve the problem between my lover and me
so that he comes back to me like before and our isdues
are resolved and we are together like before.