Perfectly Incorrect

Sometimes after I teach EFT to someone they come back and ask me if they’re doing it right. I say, “Try to do it incorrectly.” They either have a puzzled look or relaxed smile on their face. EFT is very forgiving, whether you’re concerned about touching the exact EFT points, tapping the correct number of times or saying the right words in the setup affirmation. Don’t sweat it. Or, if you’d prefer to worry about it, tap on one of these phrases …
Even though I’m afraid of not doing EFT perfectly …
Even though I’ve got to be perfect …
Even though I’m afraid to make mistakes …
Even though I’m afraid of being criticized …
Even though I’m afraid of not doing it right …
Even though I may not be doing EFT correctly …
… I deeply and completely accept myself.
These are just examples. Use a phrase that fits with whatever you’re thinking and feeling. Let me be clear. Yes, absolutely and positively you want to learn the proper way to do EFT. (See the article Learning the ABCs of EFT.) And, as a newcomer, be gentle on yourself. Allow room for making mistakes.
Instead of getting uptight about doing EFT right, relax about it. While you’re learning, don’t get hung up on doing it perfectly. You’ll just get in the way. The more you do EFT and refine your skills, the better you’ll get at it. As the Nike commercials used to say, “Just Do It.”