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Posts made in February, 2005
Study any book about creating or manifesting what you want in life and the first step is clarifying positively what you do want. A negative approach and fuzziness won’t get it. Go for crystal clarity. This is true whether you read Hale Dwoskin’s The Sedona Method (or take the Sedona Method course), Bobbie Stevens’...
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EFT is a marvelous technique. It is powerful and effective for resolving many serious issues. EFT is also handy for dealing with everyday stuff that comes up. Often, it helps to approach things that bother you with a playful mindset instead of a serious one. Use EFT to play with polarities. When we feel stuck it’s usually...
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We all have them … inner contradictions and afflictions. Consciously or unconsciously we don’t accept parts of ourselves. That’s why in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) we start with the Setup and use an affirmation or acceptance phrase such as: “I deeply and completely accept...
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One of best things about EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is that anyone can learn the method fairly quickly and easily at no cost. EFT is a superb self-help, self-development and peak performance tool. Of course, for serious psychological or medical issues, you’ll want to seek treatment from a licensed therapist, doctor or...
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EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a safe, gentle, powerful and effective technique that you can use at work, at home and in your everyday living. Play around with it and try it on everything. Here are just a few of the ways you can apply EFT to different situations. Daily buildup of stress Worrying Anxieties Fears Self...
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