Bones to Pick

Feb 25, 07 Bones to Pick

Posted by in Family & Relationships

Betty Moore-Hafter, EFT Practioner and co-author of the book, Freedom at Your Fingertips, has come up with a creative way to deal with personal conflicts and people that you may have an issue with or a “bone to pick.” You can release unwanted negative emotions without ever having to confront anyone. In this article,...

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EFT Scripts?

Feb 10, 07 EFT Scripts?

Posted by in Learning

Sometimes, newcomers to EFT ask me which point to tap for a specific problem and also which “scripts” to use when doing EFT. First, the beauty of EFT is that you don’t need to diagnose an issue and tap on a specific point. You do a round of tapping on ALL of the EFT energy meridian points without knowing which...

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