Brad Yates has a new book due out in a few days. It might just be a real game changer in empowering the next generation to achieve greater health, wealth and happiness. It all comes together in one of my favorite forms — a children’s book. I first met Brad back in March of 2005 when I was attending one of Gary Craig’s...
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One of my first experiences learning EFT was viewing Gary Craig’s “Six Days at the VA.” Back then it was on videotape. Gary and Adrienne Fowlie were invited by the U.S. Veterans’ Administration in Los Angeles to work with veterans. Many of these vets had been in therapy for decades, yet still suffered from...
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Gary Craig’s website,, which as been the prime source of EFT information over the years will be discontinued on June 5th. The good news is that much of the information on the site, including the large collection of EFT articles is moving to Dawson Church’s new site, Dawson is the person...
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One of my daughter’s friends works as an assistant at a veterinary clinic. A couple of days ago, after the vet had operated on a Pomeranian, the dog woke up, became frightened and promptly chomped down on her friend’s thumb and hand. The pain was excruciating and the dog locked on with his bite so strongly that the vet...
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I recently taught EFT to a group of people. One of the most skeptical people in the audience was quite surprised to find after doing some tapping, his joint pain completely disappeared. He was amazed and did EFT by himself at home where he also got relief five or six times and then it stopped working. What happened? Typically it’s...
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